I Increased registration rate of the leading sports betting mobile app by 48%.

I Increased registration rate of the leading sports betting mobile app by 48%.





Listing all 50+ people involved in the process is a challenge. The team included members of the legal, AML, marketing, brand, support and SEO teams, and of course web developers.


Listing all 50+ people involved in the process is a challenge. The team included members of the legal, AML, marketing, brand, support and SEO teams, and of course web developers.


Listing all 50+ people involved in the process is a challenge. The team included members of the legal, AML, marketing, brand, support and SEO teams, and of course web developers.


September 2020 – May 2021

My role

As the Product Designer, I was the sole person responsible for making sure the final solution was a success.

I still remember what my manager said to me when he gave me that project: „Don't mess it up.”

I still remember what my manager said to me when he gave me that project: „Don't mess it up.”

I really wanted to show the company that it was worth investing in UX, especially as we only had two designers at the time. You can see from this quote how important it was to get it right.

Most registrations take place on the mobile version of the website. Not the desktop web version or the mobile apps. That's why it was really important to focus on the mobile version, but also to remember that we're going to use the same version as a web view on the mobile apps. And in the future it will be implemented on the desktop as well.

The current registration process has remained unchanged for two years. At first glance, everything seems to be in order, but it looks like it was created in 2012.

The current registration process has remained unchanged for two years. At first glance, everything seems to be in order, but it looks like it was created in 2012.


Original version of the registration process

Original version of the registration process

Meanwhile, the budget for affiliation, SEO, and paid ads has drastically increased—yet this process hasn't been optimized at all. With over 1000 sign-ups daily, there's enormous potential to significantly increase the number of customers joining the platform. In particular, the latest version was not quite ready for mobile devices.

We all knew that new accounts were a key part of doing business in the betting industry. It was time to take care of it properly.

We've agreed on the main goals of the project, so we know what to measure and whether it's a success or not.

We've agreed on the main goals of the project, so we know what to measure and whether it's a success or not.


Goals of the new registration

Any experienced designer would have spotted at least a dozen obvious issues immediately. It was that bad.

Any experienced designer would have spotted at least a dozen obvious issues immediately. It was that bad.

It was just the start of the research. It was also a good idea to speak with each department in the company that has any contact with the registration process. This helped me to identify any issues that I might not have been aware of.


We also looked into some key stages of the process and found out some surprising information

We also looked into some key stages of the process and found out some surprising information

It also gave us the chance to discuss long-standing unresolved needs and problems that other in-house departments have been aware of for years.

As well as doing my own research, I also looked at what our competitors were doing, both locally and abroad, as well as businesses outside our industry. It was also useful to look at the HotJar recordings and heatmaps of our current registration form.

While I was looking into this, I had the idea of splitting the complicated form into a simple, multi-step form.

While I was looking into this, I had the idea of splitting the complicated form into a simple, multi-step form.

As we all know, it's better to focus on one thing at a time. Having a long form where we ask potential users for their PESEL, phone number and source of money could put people off completing the registration process. Even if it's standard practice in the industry and the betting company is legally required to ask for it, it's still something that could put people off.

It's understandable that a new user wouldn't know that. We can't blame them. But knowing that helped me suggest a solution where we ask about the easy stuff, like first and last name, email address, and then move on to the harder questions later. I figured that if the user invested some time going through a couple of steps, it's more likely they'd continue not to waste the time they'd already spent on it.

As time went on, other companies started to copy our idea.

My goal was also to make the sign up process smooth and bulletproof to errors.

My goal was also to make the sign up process smooth and bulletproof to errors.


Just some of the errors covered in the new registration

Just some of the errors covered in the new registration

Just some of the errors covered in the new registration

Users who join betting companies want to register and place a bet quickly. Sometimes it is a matter of minutes before the game starts. Nobody likes to get a mysterious error while trying to fill in the form quickly. It is super annoying for all of us.

I mapped all the possible errors based on discussions with the support team - as they know best what problems users are talking about in the support chat. It was also helpful to check the error codes we received on the backend side. Thanks to this, every step covered possible errors that could occur.

Another difficult issue was how to ask users about the source of their money.

Another difficult issue was how to ask users about the source of their money.

Obviously this is not information that anyone would want to give out on the internet. Unless you are a bank. But as a betting company, we are required by law to collect it. I decided that we had to be clear and transparent with the potential customer, explaining why we needed it, what we were going to do with it and how it would affect them.

I also checked all 12 answers and sorted them by popularity. It turned out that it would be fine to show only the top 3 options and allow the full list of options to be expanded. This made it easier for the user to go through this step, as they had fewer choices and it was highly likely that they would choose what we suggested.

The A/B test results were amazing. In fact, they were so good that I'm still surprised.

The A/B test results were amazing. In fact, they were so good that I'm still surprised.

I remember being pretty stressed about it. We finally released the new registration to the clients and we could measure it and see that it was better than the previous version of the registration. So, what were the results?


Results of the new registration

It wasn't exactly plain sailing. My idea didn't convince the marketing team. I can understand why they did. The new registration process has 12 steps, 10 more than the old one. It's pretty obvious if you're not familiar with the usability standards, it's not a good idea. After many meetings where I explained my thinking, we finally got the green light to go with the new production solution. In the end, they were very pleased with the results of the re-registration.

Of course, this case study does not cover all the problems I had to solve in all those months. It is still my favorite project I have done, even though there were a lot of limitations and things we could not do due to the design and technological debt at the time. It is still live today, but other designers have made some minor changes to it since then.

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